New Year, New Goals!
2017 was my year to put my best foot forward and take charge of my goals and attending workshops and seminars was definitely my list! My passion for event & wedding planning and design fueled my research and I stumbled across so many options for different courses and workshops that would be great stepping stones. After a thousand clicks, I narrowed my search down and off I went! The David Tutera Symposium in Los Angeles in June of last year was my first stop and I have to say, it has been one of the best investments I’ve made.
The symposium was a 3-day event that started off with cocktails at the Millennium Hotel (the setting was nothing short of amazing!) where we got a chance to meet and mingle with all the attendees and guest speakers. It was the
beginning of a lifetime of great memories.
David was everything you could hope for, courteous (fabulously dressed) and so hospitable, making us feel like welcomed, forever friends. He shared industry secrets, his failures and successes; it was just the beginning of what was to come.
The other two days were packed with presentations, discussions and each night ended with unique events curated for the attendees to bond with amazing food, drinks and conversations. I got the opportunity to meet amazing women from all over the world and today we all still keep in touch by sharing ideas and giving guidance to each other!
The Symposium really brought me out my shell and has allowed me to identify my space in business, networking and becoming the event/wedding planner I am today. It was truly an amazing lifetime experience that I will carry on with me forever.